What I do
I have approximately 3 years experience as a student, intern and working on personal projects. Below is a quick overview of my main technical skill sets and technologies I use. Want to find out more about my experience? Check out my online resume and project portfolio.
JavaScript, TypeScript
React & Hooks + Redux
Postgres, MongoDB & JSON DBs
REST APIs in Django, Express & GO
C, C# & C++
NPM & Node
SQL & NO/SQL DB Queries
Machine Learning in Python
Data Analysis in R Studio
Flow and UI Design in FIGMA
Professional Experience
A web application dashboard that provides data visualizations and status information analysis on all software services running at Lyft.
Designed to reduce internal inter-department information requests and status information lookup times.
Stack: Typescript, React + Hooks,GO, NextJS, GraphQL, HTML, GIT
Contributed to the front-end development of a web application for a non-profit foodbank to advertise their services.
Collaborated with client to determine product functionality and designed the UI & application flow.
Stack: JavaScript, React, HTML/CSS, GIT, FIGMA

Developed a classroom-response web-application endorsed by Tufts Professor Dr. Stephen Bell to replace the use of PollEverywhere in classrooms within the Tufts Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
Stack: TypeScript, JavaScript, React, HTML/CSS, Python (Scikit-Learn), FASTAPI, Auth0, Beanie

Featured Projects

Poll Anywhere
Classroom Response System for the Tufts University Electrical and Computer Engineering Department; sponsored and endorsed by Tufts Professor, Dr. Steven Bell
Lyft Frontend Portal
Website that manages and display live status of all services/packages running at Lyft

E-commerce demo site that allows users to register/login, add items to cart, review products/past orders and checkout with working PayPal payment method.

SWE Share
A social network for developers to share posts and their profiles including bio, education, experience and portfolio